
[来源] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-04-28] [浏览次数:]

秋冬季的时候,我们发现有部分配戴角膜塑形镜的小患者,在清洗镜片的时候会偷懒,清理不够彻底而使镜片上的杂质和沉淀物继续残留,不仅给下一次配戴带来了隐患,还缩短了角膜塑形镜的使用寿命。小编要在这里提醒大家,角膜塑形镜是硬质透气性接触镜,镜片中心厚度较薄,镜片遇冷容易变脆,会增加镜片破损的机率。为避免镜片发生破损,影响正常配戴,日常护理中应特别注意以下几点: Qiu dong season, we found that some patients wearing corneal shape lens small, will be lazy, when cleaning the lens cleaning incomplete and made the impurities and sediment continues to linger on the lens, not only brought the next wearing a hidden danger, also shorten the service life of the corneal shape mirror. Small make up remind everyone here, corneal shape mirror is rigid contact lens, permeability with thin thickness of lens center, the lenses easily when it meets cold brittle, will increase the probability of lens damage. In order to avoid the lens damage, affects normal wear, daily nursing should pay special attention to the following: 1、护理镜片前用温水洗手 1, nursing with warm water to wash their hands before the lens 在清洗时除了将手洗干净还要保持手部的柔软,建议用温水洗手再清洗角膜塑形镜,以减少镜片表面的划痕和防止手指的灵敏度降低。冲洗镜片的凉开水水温控制在10~20度,水温过高镜片易造成镜片变形,水温过低使镜片变脆易碎,对角膜塑形镜造成伤害。 Has nothing to do but will keep you wash your hands well washing hand soft, suggest washing hands with warm water to clean the corneal shape, to reduce the scratches on the surface of the lens and prevent finger sensitivity decreases. Rinse the lens of drinking water temperature control in 10 to 20 degrees, the water temperature is too high the lens of the lens distortion, the water temperature is too low to make the lens crisp fragile, harm the corneal shape lens. 小妙招:近视患者可以用自己的手背或者手腕来试探水温,如果手背接触水时没有感到冰冷,则可以用来冲洗角膜塑形镜片,如果手背感到温温的,则说明水温可能过高。 Small coup: myopia patients can use the back of his hand or wrist to test the water temperature, if not feel cold when the hand touch water, can be used to flush the corneal shape lenses, if hand feel only lukewarm, is the water temperature may be too high. 2、带塑镜外出,进入室内不要马上清洗 2, take out plastic mirror, enter indoor don't immediately to clean 如果家长朋友带着塑镜外出再进入室内,不要马上清洗温度较低的镜片,应在室内至少待半个小时以上,再打开清洗,否则会对塑镜造成伤害。并且要用10~20度清水冲洗镜片。(参照上一条) If parents friends go out again with a plastic mirror enter indoor, don't immediately clean the cooler lenses, should at least stay indoors for half an hour or more, then open the cleaning, otherwise it will harm the plastic lens. And clean water to rinse the lens to use 10 to 20 degrees. (see a) 3、天气寒冷,伴侣盒清理不可马虎 3, the weather was cold, clear case cannot be careless 冬天由于气温较低,洁净盒往往容易被忽略,如果洁净盒长期不清洗,很容易滋生细菌。存放镜片的时候,镜片也会受到污染。我们建议每周最好是用开水烫一次双联盒(柱形盒不可用开水烫)。 Due to the low temperature in winter, clean boxes tend to be ignored, if clean box long not to clean, easy to breed bacteria. Hold the lens, lens will also be contaminated. We suggest that the best is blanching once a week double box (box column blanching). 4、感冒发烧期间需停戴角膜塑形镜 4, need to stop wearing corneal shape mirror during a cold have a fever 冬季是感冒的高发期。角膜塑形镜配戴者在冬季如果患上了感冒,要暂时停止使用,因感冒发烧时,人体抵抗力变低,而且泪液分泌量也少于平时,这样的环境非常适合病毒的生存。而且在患病期间,患者的手上会沾染大量病毒,这些病毒很容易在配戴、摘取及养护角膜塑形镜的过程中污染镜片,进而影响眼睛健康。 Winter is a cold season. Corneal shape lens wearer if suffering from cold in winter, to temporarily stop the use, because of a cold have a fever, the body resistance is low, and tear secretion is less than usual, the environment is very suitable for the survival of the virus. And during the course of illness, the patient's hand will be infected with a large number of virus, the virus is easy to wear, harvesting and curing corneal shape mirror lens, in the process of pollution will affect eye health.

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