
头部有许多重要穴位,梳头能有效刺激诸多经穴,促进血液循环、疏通经络。那怎么梳头最养生呢?一起来看看吧。 Head, there are many important points, and comb my hair can effectively stimulate many acupuncture point, promote the blood circulation, dredging meridian. That how to comb the keeping in good health? And see it together. 1梳头养生自古就有 1 hair health has since ancient times 宋代苏东坡曾说:“梳头百余梳,散头卧,熟寝至明。”《延寿书》说:“发多梳,则明目去风,常以一百二十为数。”《诸病源候论》中说:“千过梳发,头不白。”可见,从古时起人们就已经发现了梳头的养生保健价值。 Song dynasty su dongpo once said: "hundred comb hair, loose end, cooked lay to Ming." Yanshou book said: "hair comb, improving eyesight to the wind, often in one hundred and twenty a." The theory of various pathogenic symptom, said: "thousand to comb the hair, not white." Visible, since ancient times people have found hair health care value. 反复梳头,可产生电感应,刺激头皮末梢神经和毛细血管,使神经得到松弛,促进血液循环。具体来说,梳头可起到如下保健作用: Again and again hair, can produce electric induction, stimulate scalp nerve and blood capillary, flabby nerve, and promote blood circulation. Specifically, the hair can have health care function as follows: 滋养头发 Nourish hair 梳头可刺激头皮末梢神经,改善和提高头部的血液循环,对提高发质、减少脱发很有效。 Comb can stimulate scalp nerve, improve and enhance the blood circulation of the head, is very effective to improve the hair quality, reduce hair loss. 梳法:梳头时一定要全头梳,不论头中间还是两侧,都应从额头的发际一直梳到颈后的发根处,每个部位起码梳50次以上方有功效,上限以自己感觉舒服为准,用牛角梳、玉梳、木梳最好。 Must full head when comb method: comb your hair comb, regardless of head or on both sides of the middle from the forehead hair comb until after cervical roots, comb every part at least 50 times above the side effect, limit will be subject to you feel comfortable, comb with horn comb, jade, wooden comb is best. 健脑安神 Brain nerves. 梳头不只是对头皮的按摩,还能刺激头部穴位,促进颅内血管扩张,进而起到健脑防衰作用。 Comb my hair not only on the scalp massage, also can stimulate the acupuncture point, head to promote intracranial vascular expansion, and brain against failure. 梳法:先梳开发尾打结处,从中段梳向发尾,再由发根轻轻刺激头皮梳向发梢,头发被梳拉的方向要与头皮垂直,梳理的顺序是先从前额的发际向后梳,再沿发际从后往前梳。然后,从左、右耳的上方分别向各自相反方向梳理,最后让头发向头的四面披散开来梳理。 Knot tail comb method: first comb the development, from the middle to comb hair end, then gently stimulate scalp comb by hair root to hair tip, the direction of the hair by the comb to perpendicular to the scalp, is the first for the order of the comb comb hair back from his forehead, comb along the hair from the back forward again. Then, from the top of the left and right ear to separate in the opposite direction, and finally to comb hair to hang freely from all around of the head. 最好每天早、中、晚梳3次,每次10分钟。每一处梳5—6遍,整个头发一天梳理约100次为宜。 Best comb early, middle and late three times a day, every 10 minutes. Comb every 5 to 6 times, the hair is combed about 100 times a day. 用黄杨木梳最好,牛角梳也可以。梳齿宜宽大,以确保梳头时既可有一定的按摩力度,又不至于划伤皮肤。 With little wooden comb is best, horn comb can also. Brush their hair comb appropriate is broad, to ensure that can have certain massage strength, without skin. 治疗头痛 Treat have a headache 通过梳理头发,刺激头皮,可使绷紧的神经得到松弛,使紧张、痉挛的血管舒张,因此对血管神经性头痛、偏头痛、神经衰弱等病症有治疗作用。 Through combing hair, stimulate scalp, can make the taut nerve relax, make vasodilatation, cramps nervous, so the angioneurotic headache, migraine, neurasthenia and other diseases have a therapeutic effect. 梳法:梳头可用梳子,也可直接用手指代替梳子。梳头时应由前发际缓慢向后梳至后发际,用十指梳理时,可边梳边揉擦头皮。 Comb method: hair combs are available, and also can be directly with their fingers instead of a comb. Should be comb by hair before slowly back to comb my hair after hair, comb fingers, comb while rubbing the scalp. 一般一日梳头三遍,早起后、午休间、临睡前各一次,每次10—30分钟或更长,用力要适中,以使头皮有热、胀、麻的感觉,但注意不要划破头皮。 General comb my hair three times a day, get up early, lunch break, before bed, after all the time, every 10 to 30 minutes or longer, the strength should be moderate, in order to make the scalp feel hot, bilges, hemp, but be careful not to cut the scalp. 通达阳气 Tongda sun be the spirit 《养生论》说:“春三月,每朝梳头一二百下。”此时人体的阳气顺应自然,有向上、向外升发的特点。而头为诸阳之会,每天多梳头有利于通达阳气、疏通气血。 "The theory of health preservation" said: "spring in March, comb my hair every morning YiErBai." At this time the sun be the spirit of the human body conform to the nature, has the characteristic of upward and outward fu. And head of ZhuYang, brush their hair every day more conducive to tongda sun be the spirit, dredge qi and blood. 梳法:双手十指自额上发际开始由前向后梳拢头发至颈后发际,边梳边揉搓头皮,动作缓慢柔和,每次10分钟左右。 Comb method: my fingers on the forehead hairline started by former hair is combed her hair to the neck, back to comb while rubbing the scalp, slow gentle, every 10 minutes. 春日的梳头时间以早晨最佳,因为早上是阳气生发之时,此时梳头可以促进阳气萌生,帮助气血流通,清利头目,防止春困的发生。 Spring hair time with the best in the morning, because morning is the sun be the spirit of the germinal, comb your hair at this time can promote the sun be the spirit initiation, help blood circulation, clear leader, prevent spring fever. 2头梳千遍,病少一半 2 comb again, half less disease 头的前部、侧部、后部和颈部,分布着众多穴位。通过梳头刺激相关穴位,可辅助防治多种疾病:前、侧头区的穴位有治疗眼、鼻疾病的效果,后头区的穴位有清醒头脑的效果,颈区的穴位还有安神定志和治疗音哑、咽喉痛等疾病的效果。 The front of the head, side, back and neck, there are many points. Through combing to stimulate the related points, can assist with a range of ailments: the acupoints of the head of front, side has the effect of treatment of eyes, nose disease, behind the effect of the meridians are clear-headed, meridians and soothe neck area on volunteers and treatment of diseases such as sound dumb, sore throat, effect. 梳头经过的上星(头部前发际线正中直上1寸处)、百会(头顶正中央)、太阳、玉枕(后发际正中直上2.5寸,左右旁开1.3寸,与枕外粗隆上缘的凹陷处)、风池(颈后枕骨下,大筋外侧凹陷处,左右各一个)等穴位。 Combing through the star (the head before the hairline is straight on 1 inch), best can (middle) on their heads, and the sun, jade pillow (about 2.5 inches of hair is straight after, next to open 1.3 -inch, and pillow tuberosity on the margin of sag), wind pool (neck after the occipital, big muscle lateral cavity, a) around each acupoint.