
很多女生都在包包里随身携带一面小镜子,其实这是一件很好的事情,经常照照镜子对于女生来说绝对不仅仅是自恋的表现,它有很多的好处,能够让你在不知不觉中变得更加美丽,所以各位MM拿起你旁边的镜子一起美起来吧,如果没有镜子的手机屏幕也可以,有没有被自己美到呢亲! A lot of girls are all in the bag carries a small mirror, in fact this is a good thing, look in the mirror for girls more often is a form of narcissism, it has many advantages, can let you unconsciously become more beautiful, so everybody MM take your mirror beside us up together, if there is no mirror can also be the phone's screen, ever be their beauty to kiss! 最常规的用途 The most general use 无论是在做基础护肤、贴面膜、化妆补妆的时候都需要用到镜子,这是镜子最常规的作用,也是最重要的作用。一部分“女汉子们”经常是在忙乱中随随便便将化妆水拍到脸上,或是把面霜随意涂在脸上,其实这样做的害处还挺大。在镜子的帮助下,你一方面可以看到护肤品是否涂抹均匀、充分吸收,那些眼角、嘴角、额头等重要部位是否照顾到,另一方面还能看到自己的手法是否恰当,手法过重就会让皱纹爬上脸呢! Either in the basic skin care, makeup, makeup, sticking face film of the time need to use a mirror, this is the most conventional mirror effect, which is the most important role. Part of the "men" is often in a hurry just to make up water on the face, or paint a face cream optional on the face, actually do harm is quite big. With the help of a mirror, you can see whether to protect skin to taste daub evenly on the one hand, fully absorbed, the canthus and mouth corners, whether take care of important parts of the forehead, etc, on the other hand also can see their appropriateness, heavy technique will make the wrinkle up my face! 更好的观察自己 Better watch yourself 洗澡之前,你应该赤裸全身站在镜前,凝视自己。镜子能够最好的呈现你身体表面的每一点变化。女生在照镜子的时候,除了要关注面庞和颈部的细纹,更重要的事观察乳房、眼睛,并定期检查全身皮肤。站在镜前看看乳房是否对称、有无乳头内陷、包块等情况,轻轻触摸全乳,检查是否有明显增加的乳腺增生,这些都能帮你更早的发现乳房病变;观察自己的双眼,眼白、眼珠的虹膜是否有变化,过多的血丝、虹膜颜色、状态的变化都意味着某些问题,提示你需要前去就医;观察全身每一寸肌肤,血管的变化,肌肤上的破损、颜色变化(是否突然变黄)、痦子是否有变化等等。 Take a shower before, you should be naked body standing in front of the mirror, stare at myself. The mirror can be the best present you every bit of change on the surface of the body. Girls at the time of look in the mirror, in addition to the appearance of fine lines on face and neck, more important things to observe breast, eyes, and regularly check the whole body skin. Standing in front of the mirror to see if breast symmetry, nipple retraction, bag piece, and so on and so forth, gently touch the whole breast, check whether there is a obvious increase of mammary gland hyperplasia, the discovery of these can help you earlier breast lesions; Observe their eyes, white, eyes of iris whether have change, too much blood, iris color means certain problems, the change of state, you need to go to a doctor; Observe the whole body every inch of the skin, the change of the blood vessels, skin damage, color change (whether suddenly turn yellow), mole if there is a change, and so on. 桌镜的大用途 Great use of table glass 桌镜不仅仅是涂抹护肤品,判断自己是否需要补妆,或者对抗讨厌的痘痘才用得到的。当你坐着桌前工作了一上午倍感疲惫时,记得看看镜子里的自己。你可能先会看到一张苦涩的面庞,但是你会迅速将它调整为嘴角上翘的状态,因为那个自己真的太丑了!!而在这一过程中,实际上也是心情的调整,看到那张微笑的脸,做一个深深的呼吸,心情也会跟着好起来。 Table mirror is not only a daub skin care products, determine if they need to repair a makeup, or against hate blain blain is applied. When you sat at the table work the morning feeling tired, remember to look at the mirror. First, you may see the bitter face, but you'll quickly adjust it to become warped on the mouth, because the oneself really too ugly!!!!! And in this process, is actually the adjustment of the mood, to see the smiling face, to do a deep breath, good mood also will follow up.