
8月3日上午,福建省福州市仓山朝阳路一商铺外,一辆其貌不扬的白色小车被不少路人围观。原来,是车子的右后视镜有些“个性”——一面粉红色镜框的梳妆镜,被一圈圈透明胶带固定在后视镜上。 On August 3 in the morning, fuzhou in fujian province CangShan chaoyang road outside a shop, a plain white car by many passers-by onlookers. It turns out that some "personality" is the right of the car rearview mirror - a pink toilet glass picture frame, is fixed in the rearview mirror coils of scotch tape. 看到图,S联盟君我的第一反应是,这画面太美我不敢看啊!车主你是来卖萌的吧!还是粉红色,难道又是位女车主吗?! See figure, S league my first reaction was, this picture is so beautiful I can't see! The owner you are here to show MOE! Don't or pink, and female owners? ! 结果,车主是位先生……您确定这不是您家媳妇儿想出来的主意…… As a result, the owner is a gentleman... Are you sure this is not your wife, want to come out the idea of... 事情的真相是这样子的,上周,车主陈先生去南平,高速路上经过一个隧道时,不慎被前方临时变道的大巴车刮蹭到了右后视镜。由于南平没有同款式的零配件,下了高速后他想去玻璃店里割一块形状一样的镜子先安上用着,得知割一块镜子要50元钱,他觉得贵了,于是决定回福州后再去4S店维修。 The truth of the matter is like this, last week, the owner Mr. Chen to nanping, highway passes through a tunnel, immodesty is temporary change lanes in front of the coach scratches to the right rear view mirror. Because of nanping has no spare parts with the style, the high speed after he wants to go to the store to cut a piece of glass shape as the mirror of the screw with the first, learn to cut a piece of mirror to 50 yuan of money, he began to feel you, so decided to go to 4 s shop repair again after back to fuzhou. 最后,他花了5元钱买了一面梳妆镜(梳妆镜梳妆镜梳妆镜对你没看错就是梳妆镜~!),用透明胶带捆在损坏的后视镜上,先临时用着。到这里,S联盟君不由得想说,劳动人民的智慧是伟大的~! Finally, he spent 5 yuan to buy a toilet glass (toilet glass toilet glass toilet glass not wrong toilet glass is for you ~!) , bound with transparent tape on the damage of the rearview mirror, temporary use first. Here, S league jun couldn't help to say, the wisdom of working people is a great ~! 陈先生表示,自己预订的后视镜再过一两天就到货了,会尽快换上。 Reservation for Mr. Chen, said his rearview mirror the arrival of the goods, will be over in a day or two will change as soon as possible. 虽然这位车主陈先生是机智又聪明,这块粉红色的梳妆镜也的确很亮眼,但是……这个样子做,在路上行驶还是很不安全的吧~请各位小伙伴看看就行了,不要学习哟~ Although the owner Mr. Chen is a witty and intelligent, the pink toilet glass is indeed very bright eye, but... Do like this, on the road is not safe ~ please friend to see, don't learn oh ~