
[来源] [作者:不详] [日期:24-01-02] [浏览次数:]

镜子是每个家庭中必不可少的摆设,不仅仅是摆设,它有反射功能,使人能够看到自己的镜像。 Mirror is an essential part of every family in the decoration, is not only a decoration, it has reflection function, make the person can see their own image.   那么,你知道镜子对着床有什么说法吗?镜子对着床好吗?下面从镜子风水分析,镜子对着床有什么说法。 So, do you know what's in the mirror to the bed? A mirror to the bed? Below feng shui analysis from the mirror, the mirror to the bed have what idea.   一、镜子对着床有什么说法 What a, a mirror to the bed   镜子风水—禁忌镜子对着床 Feng shui - taboo mirror to the bed   在室内镜子风水中,是禁忌镜子对着床的,不仅这样,卧室床的任何一边有镜子照的都是不利的。镜子对着床不仅会影响的夫妻之间的感情,更有可能影响到家庭的财运、子嗣等。尤其扎起床尾的位置不能够安装镜子,因为安装在这个位置的镜子在风水中被称为“摄魂镜”,会另人心神不宁,霉运连连。 In feng shui interior mirror, mirror is taboo to the bed, not only that, the bedroom have a mirror to any side of the bed will be unfavourable. A mirror to the bed will not only influence the affection between husband and wife, are more likely to affect the family's finances, children, etc. Especially firm up the position of the tail can't install the mirror, because the mirror installed in this position in feng shui is called the "mastermind to mirror", the other person uneasy, bad luck.   镜子风水—镜子不可对窗 Feng shui - mirror to the window   从科学的角度而言,镜子对着窗容易反射窗外的光线,使观感不适;从风水的角度而言,镜子对着窗会反射出室内的财运,同时也将对窗户外的人家不利,若窗外无人,则对自己的家人非常的不利。因此在风水中镜子对着窗本来就是“犯煞”,家中的总体运势、财运都会只降不升。 From a scientific perspective, the mirror for easy reflex the light out of the window, with the Windows look and feel unwell; From the Angle of feng shui, the mirror on the inside window will reflect a fortune, but also will hurt somebody outside the window, if no one outside the window, to his family is very bad. So in feng shui mirror on the window is "evil spirit", the overall luck and fortune in the home will fall not only rise.   镜子风水—不宜对着沙发背后 The mirror behind feng shui - is unfavorable to the sofa   沙发是全家人坐卧的焦点,若是镜子对着沙发背后,则会将反射的晦气照到家人的身上,那么这将会导致家人的身体受到影响,以及家庭之家的关系部和谐。因此,镜子的摆设是坚决要避免对着沙发背后的,当然对着沙发正面也是不好的,因为镜子反射的光会直射人的眼睛,影响视力。 Sofa is the focus of the whole family sit, if it is a mirror to the sofa behind, it will reflect the whammy on family, it will lead to the body of the family is affected, and family relations of the family of harmony. Therefore, the decoration of the mirror is determined to avoid to the wave at the back of sofa, positive is bad, of course, on the sofa, because a mirror reflected light will direct people's eyes, affect vision.

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