
在家庭装饰中,镜子具有实用性和装饰性的双重效果,因此,运用镜子是室内装饰的常用手法之一。以下三种方式 给读者参考: 景观延伸法 用平板玻璃制成落地门窗能将外面的景色迎入室内,把室内的景观延伸,内外连成一体,形成宽敞流动的空间效果。若与明亮的大理石地面、不锈钢现代家具配合,则可创造超凡脱俗的空灵意境。 活跃气氛法 在床头墙上或其他地方悬挂一面较大的镜子,用以再现室内和折射室外局部景物,可活跃室内气氛,其艺术效果不亚于精美的装饰壁挂。 创造温馨法 磨砂玻璃只有透光性而不能透视,它可使室内光线柔和而不刺眼,尤适合型槽模具 一次性止血带 保定水处理设备 一次性止血带 保定空压机 北京真空泵于卧室,可创造出宁静、淡雅、温馨的气氛。 In home decoration, the mirror has both practical and decorative effects. Therefore, the use of mirrors is one of the common methods of interior decoration. The following three ways of reference for readers: the landscape extension method made of flat glass to the floor door and window can bring the exterior view into the interior, and extend the interior landscape to the inside and outside, forming a spacious and spacious effect. If we cooperate with the bright marble ground and modern stainless steel furniture, we can create transcendent and empty artistic conception. The active atmosphere method hangs a large mirror on the wall of the bed or other places to reappear the interior and refraction of the outdoor scene, and can activate the indoor atmosphere, and its artistic effect is no less than the exquisite decorative wall hanging. Creation of warm sand glass only transparent but not perspective, it can make the indoor light soft and not gillable, especially suitable for the bedroom, can create a quiet, elegant, warm atmosphere.