
镜子和称都是体现女性身材的衡量物,比如女性用称称自己的体重,从而知道自己是胖了还是瘦了;但是随着女性对美的认知越来越直观,越来越具体化,镜子也就渐渐的替换了称在此的作用。于是“把家里的称换成镜子”也就是更多女性检验自己是否美丽的一个口号。 照镜子会压力大 很多女性都喜欢照镜子,其实男性照镜子的也不在少数,这很正常。每一个人都有爱美之心,对自己的容貌也会非常的在意。但是根据最近的英国心理学家研究表明,经常照镜子会让心理压力过大。有关照镜子的一项调查表明,英国女性平均每天照镜子38次,男性18次。女性对自己在镜子中的形象更挑剔,80%有所不满。 伦敦精神病学研究所心理学家认为,一些人患有身体畸形恐惧症(BDD)。这类患者强烈认为身体某部分不好看并夸大这些“缺陷”。但在别人看来,他们可能没有什么地方跟别人不一样。这种疾病的患病原因不明,不过型线 流水槽模具 景观石 检查井钢模具 保定通风管道 重庆窗帘 隔离墩模具 保定保洁公司 大多数患者有抑郁症史。不少身体畸形恐惧症患者会画很重的妆或穿很多衣服,以掩盖“缺陷”。同时,他们还会不停照镜子,以防“缺陷”被人发现。为研究照镜子对这些人的影响,精神病学研究所研究人员招募25名身体畸形恐惧症患者和25名健康人士,男女各一半,让他们接受两次测试。第一次测试时,研究人员让他们照镜子25秒,第二次照至少10分钟。两次测试前后,志愿者都要填写问卷,让研究人员评估他们对外貌的满意程度。 The mirror and said is the embodiment of female body measures, such as women weigh yourself, to know oneself is fat or thin; but as women's perception of beauty more and more intuitive, more specific, the mirror will gradually replace the said this role. So "changing the name of the family into a mirror" is a slogan for more women to see if they are beautiful. The mirror can be much more stressful for women to look in the mirror. In fact, men are not in the minority in the mirror, which is normal. Everyone has the heart of beauty and is very concerned about his appearance. But according to a recent study by British psychologists, looking at a mirror often makes the psychological stress too high. A survey of mirrors showed that the average British woman looked in the mirror 38 times a day and 18 times a man. Women are more critical of their image in the mirror, and 80% are dissatisfied. Psychologists from the London Institute of psychiatry believe that some people suffer from physical deformity phobia (BDD). This kind of patient strongly believes that some part of the body is not good and exaggerates these "defects". But in the eyes of others, they may have no place to be different from others. The cause of the disease is unknown, but most of the patients have a history of depression. Many people with physical deformity phobia will paint heavy makeup or wear a lot of clothes to cover up "defects". At the same time, they will continue to look in the mirror to prevent "defects". To study the influence of mirrors on these people, researchers from the Institute of psychiatry recruited 25 patients with physical deformities phobia and 25 healthy people. They were asked to take two tests. In the first test, the researchers asked them to look in the mirror for 25 seconds and take the second time for at least 10 minutes. Before and after the two test, the volunteers were asked to fill out the questionnaire and let the researchers assess their satisfaction with their appearance.