
[来源] [作者:567zx] [日期:19-08-06] [浏览次数:]

1、不要用打湿的手触摸镜子,也不要用湿布擦拭镜子,避免增加潮气倾入; 2、镜子不能接触到盐、油脂和酸性物质,这些物质容易腐蚀镜面; 3、镜面要用柔软的干布或棉花揩擦,以防止镜面被擦毛; 4、可用软布或砂布,蘸上些煤油或蜡擦拭; 5、用蘸牛奶的抹布擦拭镜子、镜框,可使其清晰光亮; 6、洗浴前,可将肥皂涂抹镜面,再用干布擦拭,镜面上即形成一层皂液膜,可防镜面模糊; 7、用干抹布蘸适量洗涤灵涂抹于镜面,均匀地抹开。洗洁灵中含有的活性成分,能有效防止水蒸汽在镜面凝结,能起到很好的防雾作用; 8、也可使用收敛性的化妆水或洗洁精; 9、用吸油面纸擦,效果不错。 1, do not touch the mirror with wet hands, and do not wipe the mirror with wet cloth to avoid increasing the humidity. 2, the mirror can't touch the salt, grease and acid. These substances are easy to corrode the mirror surface; 3, the mirror surface should be wiped with soft dry cloth or cotton to prevent the mirror from being erased; 4, soft cloth or sand cloth. Dipped in some kerosene or wax wipe; 5, with a dipped cloth dipped in milk to wipe the mirror, mirror frame, can make it clear and bright; 6, before bathing, the soap can be smeared on the mirror, and then dry cloth wiped, the mirror is formed a layer of soap film, can prevent the mirror surface blurred; 7, dry cloth dipped in proper wash Ditan smear on the mirror, even with Dabin smear on the mirror, even with dry dabon dudge smear in mirror surface, even evenly dudge smear in mirror surface, even evenly Ditan smear in mirror surface, even evenly dpolyester smear in mirror, even smear dpolyester smear on the mirror surface, even evenly dpolyester smear on the mirror surface, even evenly dpolyester smear in mirror, even smear dpolyester smear on the mirror surface, even evenly dpolyester smear on the mirror surface, even evenly dpolyester smear on mirror, even dudge dpolyester smear on the mirror surface, even evenly dpolyester smear on the mirror surface, even ground Wipe off. The active ingredients in the detergent can effectively prevent the condensation of water vapor in the mirror, and can play a good antifogging effect. 8, also can use the astringency of make-up water or detergent; 9, use oil absorbent paper to wipe, the effect is good.

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