
及风水实际上,穿衣镜并没有一个具体的尺寸要求。就目前来看,现在市面上最常见的穿衣镜的尺寸主要有高度为150cm、156cm和120cm的两种高度的穿衣镜,这种高度的穿衣镜尺寸可以供156cm 以上和以下的人照都可以,因此比较普遍化,至于穿衣镜的宽度这个一般都是在三十多厘米左右。 In fact, the dressing mirror does not have a specific size requirement. For now, the size of the now on the market the most common pier glass mainly include the height is 150 cm, 156 cm and 120 cm of the two kinds of high pier glass, the height of pier glass size can be available for 156 cm above and below as can be, so more generalization, as for the width of the pier glass this is generally in more than 30 centimeters. 穿衣镜摆放位置风水: The position of the dressing mirror is geomantic: 1、进门处穿衣镜 1. Wear a mirror at the door 通常进门处穿衣镜的使用率是最高的,可以近距离照全身穿也可以远距离照全身,在出门前和回来的时候可以看看自己的仪表。不过需要注意的是,在风水学中,穿衣镜不能放在大门的正前方,有阻挡财神之意,所以穿衣镜摆放在进门玄关处较为适合。 Normally, the penetration rate of the door is the highest, which can be worn at close range and can be taken from a distance, and can be seen in front of the door and back. However, it is important to note that in feng shui, the dressing mirror can not be placed in front of the front door and has the meaning of blocking the mammon, so the dressing mirror is suitable for the entry porch. 2、客厅处穿衣镜 2, the living room is in the mirror 在客厅摆放穿衣镜能够舒缓压迫感,放松劳累的身体。最好在镜子的正对面摆放植物、鲜花,或者在其正对的墙面挂上精美的画,这样风水更佳。 In the sitting room put the lens can relieve oppressive feeling, loosen tired body. It is best to put plants, flowers, or a fine painting on the right wall of the mirror, so that feng shui is better. 3、卧室处穿衣镜 3. The bedroom mirror 卧室穿衣镜最好不要对着睡床的那头,要知道人在睡觉的时候是最放松、最没戒心的时候,如果半夜起身看到的话,会被镜子中的影子所吓到。因此卧室里的镜子最好放在一侧,既能够扩大整体空间感,又不会对健康造成损害。 Pier glass bedroom had better not to the end of the bed, want to know what people in the sleeping of time is the most relaxed and not wary, if got up in the middle of the night to see, will be alarmed by the shadow of the mirror. So the mirror in the bedroom had better put on one side, can enlarge integral sense of space already, can not cause harm to health again. 4、勿放大门正前方 Don't put the front door straight 如果将穿衣镜放在大门的正前方,有阻挡财神弦外之意,寓意不好,所以穿衣镜摆放在进门玄关处比较适合。 If the dressing mirror is placed in front of the front door, there is the meaning of blocking the god of money, the implication is not good, so the dressing mirror is suitable for the entry porch.