
普通的镜子如果长时间放置在比较潮湿的地方会就会变得暗淡,甚至会产生生锈、脱落等现象,所以需重视镜子的防水防锈功能。 选镜子 注意事项 · 安装镜前灯时,要注意防止产生炫光,建议安装灯罩,或者挑选磨砂玻璃表面的灯具。 · 镜子害怕潮气,因为镜子玻璃在使用前,一般都经过了裁划。水蒸汽便容易从经过玻璃刀裁划的侧面进入镜面中去,腐蚀镜面,产生霉斑、锈 点。因此不妨在买回镜子后,先在镜子侧面涂上一层漆,同时在背面也涂一层。 If a mirror is placed in a humid place for a long time, it will become dim and even rust or fall off. So we need to pay attention to the function of mirror's waterproof and antirust. Choose the mirror note - lens headlight installation, should pay attention to prevent glare, install lamp, lamp or choose a frosted glass surface. The mirror is afraid of the tide, because glass in the mirror is generally cut through before it is used. Water vapor easily from the side through the glass cutter cutting into the mirror in the mirror, corrosion, mildew, rust produced. So after buying back a mirror, paint a layer of paint on the side of the mirror and coat it on the back.