
梳妆镜在古时是用做避邪的。明代大医学家李时珍说过:"古镜如古剑,若有神明,故能避邪魅忤恶,凡人家宜悬大镜,可避邪魅。"这里的"神明"可以做"气"和"信息"理解。 古时许多建筑物中都挂有梳妆镜,这其实都是"风水镜"。如在故宫里乾清宫内就有巨大的水晶大镜;在"养心斋"雍政看书休息的地方,屋后门就有一个木制影壁,其上面就挂了一面梳妆镜。这些梳妆镜用于反映景物的作用很小,主要是当"风水镜"用的。 在室内安装梳妆镜,要注意摆放的位置,注意不要正对着床和桌子,如果一面梳妆镜正对着桌子和睡床,那么,主人的气就会被反射掉一部分,影响身体健康。尤其是夜间阳气弱,最怕梳妆镜对着床。知道这个道理,屋内梳妆台的梳妆镜,衣柜上的梳妆镜乃至挂在墙壁上的梳妆镜,都不要对着写字台或睡床,如果实在摆不开,可以平时不管它,写字和睡觉时,挂上个厚布帘,如果在上面再贴张八卦图或符的图案则更吉了。 梳妆镜对着床是大忌。梳妆镜有反射光,这是一种不良的射线,对着身体,会造成神经衰弱、睡眠质量差等不良反应。过去迷信认为梳妆镜对床会招鬼。其实,哪来的鬼,是梳妆镜在夜晚的反射,刺激人的神志产生的幻觉、恐慌而已。如果梳妆镜对着床,你不妨在梳妆镜上安装一个布套,睡觉时把套子放下来。
The dressing mirror is used as an antiquity in the ancient times. Li Shizhen, a great physician in Ming Dynasty, said, "ancient mirror is like an ancient sword. If there is a God, it can avoid evil, evil and evil. The "deities" here can be understood as "qi" and "information". In ancient times, there were dressing mirrors in many buildings, which were actually geomantic omen. For example, there is a huge crystal large mirror in the palace of emperor Qian Qing in the the Imperial Palace; in the place where "Yangxin Zhai" Yongzheng read a book and rest, there is a wooden shadow on the back door of the house, and it hangs a dressing mirror on it. These dressing mirrors are used to reflect the effect of scenery, which is mainly used as "Fengshui mirror". In the indoor installation of the dressing mirror, pay attention to the placement of the position, pay attention not to the bed and table, if a dressing mirror is facing the table and bed, then the master's gas will be reflected off a part of the health of the body. Especially at night, weak yang, most afraid of dressing mirror implantation. Know this truth, the dresser in the room, the dressing mirror on the dresser, the dressing mirror on the wardrobe and the dressing mirror hanging on the wall, do not face the desk or the sleeping bed. If it is not open, you can hang a thick curtain on it, write and sleep at ordinary times, if there is a more auspicious sign on the top of the chart. The dressing mirror faces the bed. Dressing mirror has reflected light. This is a bad ray. It will cause neurasthenia, poor sleep quality and other adverse reactions to the body. It used to be a superstition that the dressing mirror would be a ghosts for the bed. In fact, the ghost comes from the reflection of the mirror at night, stimulating the hallucination and panic of human mind. If the dressing mirror is facing the bed, you might as well install a cloth cover on the dressing mirror and put it down when you sleep.