
1、镜照大门:大门的正前方,千万不被镜子照着,这会让门神和财神一起被镜神吓跑,是阻挡财神之意。另外如果是你是生意人,则会导到事业不顺,金钱超贷。 2、镜照房门:镜子不能对着房间门,因为镜有镜神,每个门也有所属的门神,所以如果镜 子对着门,这会吓走平日保护我们的门神,并让房间内容易有卡阴的状况。 3、镜照睡床:人在睡觉时,是最放松、最没有戒心的时候,所以如果半夜起来被镜中的自己吓到,是会伤到元神的。另外,镜子照床也容易让夫妇常翻脸,助长另一半常常外遇的可能性。最好把镜子放在衣柜内,需要时打开,不需要时关上。无法放入柜子中的也要用布帘遮住才行。 4、不可嵌在天花板:镜子在天花板,通常在下面的人会耗气、耗财、耗你的健康,所以镜子多的旅馆要少去。有句顺口溜是这么说的:“镜子朝下,成天打架;镜子朝上,家业不旺”。 5、镜照书桌:镜子容易让书房内读书的人分心,另外,主宰文昌的文昌帝君也不喜欢小孩一边看镜子一边读书。 6、镜照厕所门:镜子面对厕所门,会让夫妇在处理事情时钻牛角尖,并且让家中的男性性功能减弱,女性则易有妇女病。
1, the mirror door: the front of the gate is never illuminated by mirrors. This will enable the door god and the God of wealth to be scared away by the mirror God, which is the purpose of blocking the God of wealth. In addition, if you are a businessman, you will lead to a career failure and money overborrowing. 2, mirror the door: the mirror can not face the door of the room, because the mirror has the mirror God, each door also has the goalkeeper, so if the mirror faces the door, this will frighten us to protect the door god, and make the room easy to have a negative situation. 3, mirror sleeping bed: when people are sleeping, it is the most relaxed, the most unsuspecting time, so if at midnight to be frightened by the mirror in the middle of the night, it will hurt the God of yuan. In addition, the mirror bed is also easy for couples to turn their faces, and encourage the other half to often meet with others. It is better to put the mirror in the wardrobe, open it when necessary, and turn it off when necessary. If you can't put it in the cupboard, you need to cover it with curtain. 4, not embedded in the ceiling: mirrors in the ceiling, usually below the people will consume gas, consume money and consume your health, so there are fewer hotels in the mirror. There is a doggerel: "mirror down, fight all day, mirror up, family business is not good." 5, mirror desk: the mirror can easily distract people from reading in the study. In addition, the emperor of Wenchang, who dominates Wenchang, does not like to read a reading while looking at the mirror. 6, mirror the toilet door: the mirror face the toilet door, will let the couple in dealing with things, and let the male sexual function in the home weakened, women are prone to women's disease.