
[来源] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-03-29] [浏览次数:]
1、镜子与住宅应成比例。家中挂镜应足以让照镜者见到整个头部。镜子若是长形的,应以见到整个身体为佳。 2、镜子不可当中堂放置,同时客厅放镜易于分心。 3、镜子不可对窗,如窗外有人家,则对人家不利;如无人家而言,则对己不利,并且外部如有光线进来,则观感不适。 4、镜子不宜照床头。因为镜子有反射光,这是一种不良的射线,以着身体,会造成神经衰弱、睡眠质量差等不反反应。如果镜子对着床,人在入睡时,本来气能就弱,此时最易于被镜子将体内的能量反射出去,容易头晕目眩。过去认为镜子对床会招鬼。这种现象只不过是镜子在夜晚的反射,刺激人的神志产生的幻觉、恐慌而已。 5、两面镜子不可正面相对而悬,因为这样会导致气能紊乱、来回往返而不能前移。 6、卫生间必须具备镜子并可以稍大,既可将污气反射出去,又有梳妆作用,此外亦可增大视觉面积及拓展视觉空间。 7、镜子最好不要嵌在客厅的天花板上,因为这会使坐在客厅的人有压抑感。 1, the mirror and the house should be proportionate. A hanging mirror should be enough to get the mirror to see the entire head. If the mirror is long, it should be good to see the whole body. 2, when the mirror can not be placed at the same time, the living room mirror hall, easily distracted. 3, mirrors should not be against windows, such as people outside the windows, but they will be unfavourable to others. If there is no family, they will be disadvantageous to themselves, and if there is light coming outside, they will feel uncomfortable. 4, the mirror is not suitable for the head of the bed. Because the mirror has reflected light, this is a bad ray, with the body, can cause neurasthenia, poor sleep quality and other inreflexes. If the mirror faces the bed, when people fall asleep, the gas can be weak, and it is easy to be reflected in the body by the mirror, and it is easy to be dizzy. The mirror used to be a ghosts for the bed. This phenomenon is only a reflection of the mirror at night, which stimulates the illusion and panic of the human spirit. 5, the two mirrors can not be hung on the front, because this will lead to the disturbance of gas energy, back and forth back and forth, and can not move forward. 6, bathrooms must be equipped with mirrors and can be slightly larger, which can reflect dirty gas and dressing. In addition, it can also increase the visual area and expand the visual space. 7, the mirror should not be embedded in the ceiling of the living room, because this will make the people sitting in the living room have a sense of depression.
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