
在水气弥漫的卫浴间里,梳妆镜难免沾染湿气,时间久了就会变质出现黑点。在保养你的浴室柜、浴缸等卫浴大件时,别忘了保养你的梳妆镜哦。 镜子害怕潮气,因为镜子玻璃在使用前,一般都经过了裁划。水蒸汽便容易从经过玻璃刀裁划的侧面进入镜面中去,腐蚀镜面,产生霉斑、锈点。因此,银晶卫浴专家支招:不妨在买回镜子后,先在镜子侧面涂上一层漆,同时在背面也涂一层。 此外,在日常维护时需注意以下几点: 平时镜子要放置在干燥的地方,不要随便挂在墙上,也不要靠近洗脸盆的地方。 不要用打湿的手触摸镜子,也不要用湿布擦拭镜子,避免增加潮气倾入,使镜面的光层变质发黑。 镜子不能接触到盐、油脂和酸性物质,这些物质容易腐蚀镜面。 镜面要用柔软的干布或棉花揩擦,以防止镜面被擦毛;或用软布或砂布,蘸上些煤油或蜡擦拭;也可用蘸牛奶的抹布擦拭镜子、镜框,可使其清晰光亮。另外用吸油面纸擦,效果也不错。 镜架要用细软棉布或棉花、精纺回丝揩拭,以防镜架生锈。 洗浴前,可将肥皂涂抹镜面,再用干布擦拭,镜面上即形成一层皂液膜,可防镜面模糊,也可使用收敛性的化妆水或洗洁精。 用干抹布蘸适量洗涤灵涂抹于镜面,均匀地抹开。洗洁灵中含有的活性成分,能有效防止水蒸汽在镜面凝结,能起到很好的防雾作用。
In the water and gas in the bathroom, the dressing mirror is unavoidable to be contaminated with moisture, and it will deteriorate in black spots for a long time. Don't forget to maintain your dresser when maintaining your bathroom cabinets and bathtubs. The mirror is afraid of the tide, because glass in the mirror is generally cut through before it is used. Water vapor easily from the side through the glass cutter cutting into the mirror in the mirror, corrosion, mildew, rust produced. Therefore, ArgentCrystal bathroom expert recruitment: may as well in the back of the mirror, first coating a layer of paint on the side of the mirror, and also on the back of a layer. Besides, attention should be paid to the following points in daily maintenance: usually, mirror should be placed in a dry place, and do not hang on the wall, nor near the washbasin. Don't touch the mirror with a wet hand or wipe the mirror with a wet cloth to avoid increasing the tide and blacken the mirror's light layer. Mirrors do not touch salt, grease and acid, which can easily corrode the mirror. The mirror to dry with a soft cloth or cotton wipe, wipe the mirror is to prevent hair; or with a soft cloth or emery cloth, with some kerosene or wax wipe; can be dipped in milk cloth to wipe the mirror, picture frame, can make it clear. In addition, using the oil absorbent paper, the effect is good. To wear with soft cotton or cotton, wool worsted wiped to prevent rusting frames. Before bathing, you can smear the soap on the mirror and wipe it with dry cloth. A soap film is formed on the mirror, which prevents the mirror from blurring. It also uses astringency of make-up water or detergent. Dipped in a dry cloth dipped in a proper amount of detergent and smeared on the mirror, evenly spread it. The active ingredients in the detergent can effectively prevent the condensation of water vapor in the mirror, and can play a very good antifogging effect.