
这种起床靠意志,出门靠勇气的季节,一想到要出门整个人瞬间就不好了。。 This depend on the will get up, go out on the season of courage, the thought of going out in an instant by the whole people is bad.. 这么冷的天,小仙女们的手根本不能暴露在空气里~ Such a cold day, the little fairies hand cannot ~ in the exposed to the air 抱个热水袋??可是你的包里已经有了充电宝、小镜子、数据线、护手霜、粉饼、唇膏等等,已经沉得不能愉快地玩耍了~ Embrace a hot-water bottle?? But you have in your bag charging treasure, small mirror, data line, hand cream, pressed powder, lipstick, etc., have been playing happily too heavy to ~ 有了这款Urban forest暖手宝就能解决你的问题,它集小镜子、充电宝、暖手宝三种功能为一体,小巧的体积可以让你握在手心里。 With this kind of Urban forest warm hands treasure can solve your problem, it set a small mirror, charging treasure, warm hands treasure three functions into an organic whole, small volume can let you in the hand. 这款外貌水平很高的暖手宝,表面采用耐磨的珠光烤漆,中圈采用镀玫瑰金镶边,有白黑、红、蓝四色,小巧的海贝状,绝对能满足外貌协会的要求! The high levels of warming my hands treasure appearance, surface adopt wear-resisting pearl paint, coil used in rose gold plated edge, there are four color white black, red, blue, small seashells, absolute can satisfy the requirement of appearance! 双面发热技术,手感温润如玉,让你轻轻摩挲的时候,双手就变暖。在寒冬3-4小时持续发热,有没有一种瞬间叼炸天的赶脚。 Double heating technology, feel is a jade, let you gently touched, both hands is warming. In the depths of 3-4 hours continuous fever, have a kind of diao fry day at the moment. 在5摄氏度的环境下,只要开启 30 秒后恒温 55 度,持续暖手 3 小时,不会越摸越凉,也就不会像暖手袋一样,变凉的过程,让人不想再抚摸。 In 5 degrees Celsius, as long as open temperature 55 degrees after 30 seconds, keep warm hand 3 hours, not the touch the cool, wouldn't like warm handbags, the process of cool, let a person don't want to touch.