
1、看外观 应从正面、侧面、反面多角度地去观察镜子,除了注意自己在镜子中直接的影像,可以稍微移动下视线,如果直线物体没有弯曲变形,这就是一块品质好的镜子。具体要掌握“四看”: 首先看镜面,要仔细看看镀膜是否有杂色,镜面是否平滑;其次看收口,不可以有丝毫的破裂,因为小小的破裂必将导致整块镜子的最终破碎;再次挑厚度,镜子按厚度,价钱有所不同。不少人为了省钱而选择比较薄的镜子,但镜子太薄易折断,建议挑厚度为8mm的;最后看底板,是否平而厚,底板往往是人们所忽略的部分,却是镜子是否平直的基础。 2、看工艺 就浴室镜而言,为了保护银离子不和空气中的水分起反应,而导致镜片黑边黑点,在银膜上面还要镀一层铜膜,在铜膜上面在铺一层底漆和面漆加强保护,延长镜子的使用寿命。 3、看风格 根据家居及浴室的风格去挑选镜子的搭配风格,要与整体风格一致。比如椭圆形的镜子就比较适合欧式的风格,方形的镜子就比较适合中式的风格等等。 4、看防水防锈功能 普通的镜子如果长时间放置在比较潮湿的地方会就会变得暗淡,甚至会产生生锈、脱落等现象,所以需重视镜子的防水防锈功能。
1, see the appearance from the front, side, opposite angles to observe the mirror, in addition to pay attention to your image in the mirror directly, you can just move the line of sight, if a straight line without bending deformation object, this is a piece of mirror with good quality. Be specific to master "four look" : first look the mirror, want to take a careful look at the coating film whether have mixed color, the mirror is smooth; Second, we can not have the slightest rupture, because a small rupture will lead to the ultimate fragmentation of the mirror. Again, the thickness of the mirror, the price is different. Many people choose a thin mirror for saving money, but the mirror is too thin and easy to break, and the recommended thickness is 8mm. Finally, the bottom board, whether flat and thick, is often overlooked by people, but is the basis of the flatness of the mirror. 2, the process in terms of the bathroom mirror, in order to protect the silver ions react with moisture in the air, and cause the lens black side black spots, on the silver film and coated with a layer of copper film, on the copper film on a layer of primers and paint to strengthen protection, prolong the service life of the mirror. 3, look at style according to household and bathroom style to choose the collocation style of the mirror, want to be consistent with integral style. For example, the oval mirror is more suitable for the European style, the square mirror is more suitable for the style of Chinese style and so on. 4, watch waterproof antirust function Normal mirror if placed in a humid place for a long time will become dim and will even produce the phenomenon such as rust, fall off, so need to attach importance to the mirror waterproof antirust function.