
[来源] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-06-07] [浏览次数:]
技巧一:对着镜子爱抚对方 Tip 1: caressing one another in the mirror   首先,在性生活开始前,双方可以交流一下彼此的敏感区,比如,男性可以要求妻子说出她最喜欢被抚摸的部位在哪里,甚至可以请妻子指给自己看。接下来,你一手握着镜子,另一手抚摸她的阴部,当你抚摸她的外阴时,她也同样会仔细地从镜子中观察你的动作。之后,你们真正做爱,她就会兴奋地发出呻吟的声音。 First of all, before the start of the sex, the two sides can discuss each other's sensitive area, for example, men can ask his wife to say where is her favorite touched parts, can even have showed his wife. Next, in one hand you mirror, another hand touch her pussy, when you touch her vulva, she also will carefully observe your movements from the mirror. After that, you really have sex, and she is excited to make a moan. 技巧二:通过镜子看她的感觉 Tip 2: look at her in the mirror   通过镜子对她的爱抚,你已经记住她的性器官所在,尤其是阴蒂,因为大多数女性的敏感区都在这一位置。此时,要从镜子中判断自己的抚摸会给对方带来什么样的感觉。如果她表现得很兴奋,你就找到了她的敏感地带。如果她还是希望你不停地抚摸,那么你就要通过镜子摸索到令她兴奋的地带。 By touching her through the mirror, you have remembered her genitals, especially the clitoris, because most women's sensitive areas are in this position. It's time to judge how your touch will feel in the mirror. If she is excited, you find her sensitive area. If she wants you to keep touching, you're going to be able to get her excitement through the mirror.   要提醒的是,如果不方便安装一面大镜子,那准备一面小梳妆镜也可以,这样更方便两人躺在床上使用。此外,对着镜子性爱,不能作为一种常规的性生活模式,因为它只是改善性生活的一种手段,不能过分依赖。 It is important to note that if you are not able to install a large mirror, you can also make it easier for two people to lie in bed. In addition, sex in the mirror is not a regular sex mode because it is only a means of improving your sex life, and you can't rely on it too much.
关键字:梳妆镜 镜子 梳妆
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