举凡爱美妞,没有几个不爱照镜子的。这原本是常理,若不经常审视自己的扮美细节,怎能确保时时美丽动人呢?再者说了,谁还没好几个镜子呀?可惜的是啊,这照镜子的门道,还真是很少人知道得那么透彻。 Suitable for the love of beauty girl, few does not love to look into the mirror. If this is common sense, originally don't play the part of beautiful detail, often look at your own can ensure that all the beautiful? Furthermore, who haven't several mirror? Unfortunately, this look in the mirror of the doorway, is really very few people know so well. 先提问:你家里有几面镜子? First question: you have mirrors at home? 答三面以上的及格。 A more than three sides to pass the exam. (答一面也没有的……敢问您每天都是怎么出的门啊……-_-|||) (a side also not dare ask you every day... what is the door ah... -_ - | | |) 为什么至少需要三面镜子才够用呢? Why need at least three mirror enough? 首先卫生间一定至少有一面。一般情况下,这个镜子位于盥洗盆的上方。这就意味着,你的脸和它的距离,会经常大于30公分。 The first toilet must have at least one side. In general, the mirror is located in the upper part of the basin of wash one's hands. This means that your face and its distance, often more than 30 cm. 30公分的距离,足够你看清楚脸洗干净没有,嘴边有没有挂着牙膏沫,头发是否出现了呲毛,却不够你看清睫毛和淡淡的鱼尾纹,也看不清粉底抹匀了没有。 30 cm distance, enough you didn't see clear clean face, mouth have hung toothpaste foam, hair whether yi MAO, not enough you see eyelashes and faint crow's feet, also can't see powdery bottom to spread evenly. 尽管生活中能够和你突破30公分距离的人并不多,但是可别忘了,光线会强化清晰度——当你在相对暗淡的卫生间里觉得自己一切OK的时候,午间的阳光却可能在偶遇的朋友面前出卖了你的所有小瑕疵。 Although life can and you break through 30 cm distance is not a lot of people, but don't forget, light will strengthen clarity - when you are in a relatively dim room feel everything OK, midday sun may in front of encounter friends sold all of your small flaws. 所以,你需要第二面镜子以便于近距观察自己,很多时候,它是梳妆台上的镜子。 So, you need a second mirror so that the close observation of oneself, a lot of times, it is the mirror of the dressing table.