
每次在浴室洗澡的时候,就会发现镜子上总是有一层雾水,擦掉了,下次还是一样的会有,那有什么办法可以让它一直不起雾呢? Each time you take a shower in the bathroom, you will find on the mirror always have a layer of mist, erase, or as there will be a next time, that what method can let it has no fog? 镜子上的雾气是室内空气中的水蒸气遇到温度较低的镜面液化而成的。通常在天冷或洗澡的时候,由于镜子跟室内温度有差异,镜子上面会蒙上一层雾,影响使用。 The mist in the mirror is the water vapor in the indoor air that meets the low temperature mirror. Usually in the cold or bath time, because the mirror is different from the indoor temperature, the mirror will be covered by a layer of fog, the effect is used. 方法一:镜面涂抹洗洁精 Method 1: mirror daub detergent 用干抹布蘸取适量洗洁灵(洗洁精),不要稀释,均匀地涂抹于镜面上,停留一段时间后,洗洁精就会形成一层隔离层,将镜面与空气中的水蒸气隔离开来,然后用干毛巾或布将洗洁灵擦掉,此时镜子即有防雾功能。 With dry dishcloth take a suitable amount of liquid (detergent), do not dilute, smear evenly on the mirror surface, stay after a period of time, detergent can form a layer of isolation layer, isolates mirror with water vapor in the air, then wash clean with a dry towel or cloth wipe away the spirit, mirror the anti-fog features at this time. 原理与效果:洗洁灵(洗洁精)中含有的活性成分,能有效防止水蒸气在镜面凝结,防止镜面起雾。涂抹洗涤灵的区域,坚持最久,效果最好。而且,水汽散得也最快。 Principle and effect: the active ingredient that is contained in the washing spirit (dishwashing liquid) can effectively prevent water vapor from condensation in the mirror and prevent the speck from the surface. Apply the area that wash the spirit, insist the longest, the effect is the best. And the water vapor is spreading the fastest. 方法二:镜面涂抹香皂 Method two: mirror daub soap 将香皂弄湿,然后均匀地涂抹在镜子上,也可将香皂抹在手上,起沫后抹在镜子上,过1—2分钟,用柔软的干毛巾或布把镜子上的香皂擦掉。 Will wet soap, then evenly daub on the mirror, rubbing soap will also be in your hands, wipe on the mirror after frothing, 1-2 minutes, with a dry towel or soft cloth rubbed out soap on the mirror. 原理与效果:香皂把看似光滑的镜子上凹凸不平的地方填满了,使小水滴不能附住,自然镜子就亮光光,倍儿清晰啦! Principle and effect: soap looks smooth mirror uneven place filled with, make water droplets can't live, natural mirror LiangGuangGuang, relic of clear! 方法三:镜面涂抹润肤霜 Method 3: mirror smearing moisturiser 将润肤霜在镜子上涂上薄薄的一层(用手涂抹较好),再用干毛巾或布擦掉。 Apply a moisturiser to the mirror with a thin layer (apply it well with your hands) and wipe it off with a dry towel or cloth. 效果:对水汽有一定对抗能力,但是涂后也影响镜子的透亮程度,即使能防止水汽,但效果有限,20秒后就模糊不清了。 Effect: against the ability of water vapor to a certain extent, but also affect the degree of bright mirror, after besmear even can prevent moisture, but the effect is limited, after 20 seconds is ambiguous. 当然,这个办法不但可以在浴室的镜子上用,还可以在眼镜上,化妆镜上,小车的玻璃上都是可以通用的!只是根据镜子或者玻璃面积大小来决定洗洁精的用量而已! Of course, this method not only can be used in the mirror of the bathroom, still can be in the glasses, makeup mirror, the glass of the car can be general! Just according to the mirror or the size of the glass area to decide the dosage of dishwashing liquid!