
[来源] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-03-06] [浏览次数:]
镜子对着床有什么说法 What a mirror to the bed   在蒋氏故居中,宋美龄和蒋介石的床头是嵌了一面镜子的.一说,是因为宋美龄爱美,时时刻刻要照镜子保持美好形象.一说是蒋介石为了防止别人刺杀,可以从镜子里看到,从而以防万一。但是,镜子对着床是大忌。 In residence of Chiang soong mei-ling and Chiang kai-shek's head of a bed is embedded in the mirror. Say, because the song meiling beauty, always want to keep a good image in a mirror. A Chiang kai-shek to prevent others assassination, can see from the mirror, and in case of one thousand. But, the mirror to the bed is big fear.   1、 镜子有反射光,这是一种不良的射线,对着身体,会造成神经衰弱、睡眠质量差等不良反应。过去是认为镜子对床会招鬼。其实,哪来的鬼,是镜子在夜晚的反射,刺激人的神志产生的幻觉、恐慌而已。如果镜子对着床,你不妨在镜子上安装一个布套,睡觉时把套子放下来。 1, the mirror reflected light, which is a kind of undesirable ray, to the body, will cause the neurasthenia, poor sleep quality adverse reactions. The past is a mirror that might be called ghost bed. In fact, which come of ghost, is a mirror reflection at night, stimulate people's mind to produce the illusion of, panic. If the mirror to the bed, you may wish to install a cloth in the mirror, put the condom down when you go to sleep.  2、 镜子属金,镜的摆放,对夫妻影响最大。主人房的镜反映到主人的床,尤其是床头有镜反射,代表夫妻拗颈不和,甚至有第三者。在夫妻的房间内,置放镜子不受鼓励。镜往往代表增旺多一粒夫星,或增旺一粒妻星,无论增旺夫星还是太太星,均对婚姻不利。因此不管夫妻是要金还是不要金,在睡房内摆镜,是都非常危险的行为。睡房里是不可以放镜子的,因为镜子里的形象是虚幻的夜间看镜子是让人产生一种不舒服的心理。 2, mirror belongs to the king, put the mirror, couple had the greatest influence. Master room mirror reflected in the master bed, especially the head of a bed has a mirror reflection, don't represent husband and wife flexed neck, there is even a third party. In a couple of rooms, placed a mirror is not affected by encouragement. Mirror often represents the increase in more than a single star, or increase in a star wife, Mrs Increases the flourishing, star or stars, are against marriage. So whether couples don't want gold or gold, mirror is placed in the bedroom, is very dangerous behavior. Bedroom is not can put a mirror, because the mirror image is unreal night look at the mirror is let a person produce a kind of uncomfortable.
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